
A virtual chemistry laboratory, which has a lot of extra features. The program has a myriad of functions and is indeed a useful tool for teachers as well as for students and for those who are interested in Chemistry. The program is very intuitive – there is a virtual worktable and two panels - for lab instruments and for substances respectively. To perform a reaction the user just has to put the necessary containers on the worktable and put the needed substances in them. The program has a database of reactions and it can visualize those, which are studied in the seventh grade. For example, if you fill a lab glass with water and put sodium in it, you will see an animation not only of how the reaction goes but how the molecules of the two substances interact to produce the final result of the chemical reaction. In general, the way experiments are conducted is very simple and reminds of actual lab work. The program also includes an assistant which notifies of all the changes within the program. The program offers plenty of tools including the periodic table, the solubility table, the oxidizing and relative activity table and even a glossary. Should those not suffice, there is an additional number of tools – an equation editor and a unit converter. There is also a self-test, a scientific calculator, lab exercises/tasks and a lab log (in order to prepare reports of the experiments).
- a way to visually conduct experiments with different substances
- a model- and analysis-oriented view of the current reaction
- an "assistant" to simplify the work with the program
- valuable encyclopedic information regarding the elements
- a glossary
- self-test facilities
- interactive lab exercises
- a sophisticated unit converter
- a lab log
- a built-in calculator
- an equation editor
- a help file (that you probably won't need)
- an attractive interface
Recent News
- 17.02.2007: National Polytechnical Museum
- 11.11.2006: "Science on Stage 2"
- 23.09.2006: EU Contest for Young Scientists
- 09.09.2006: A National Meeting of Chemistry Teachers
- 01.04.2006: 2nd Version of the Program